A great friend gave me a middle name in college...JR "I can't say no" Snow. Nothing could be closer to the truth. I have RIDICULOUS FOMO (Fear of Missing Out...for those who don't speak acronyms on a regular basis). I am first in and last to leave. I have multiple jobs. I want to give of myself in as many ways possible. I want to please people, and never want to miss a party. My 100% extrovert needs people to be the best I can be. What does FOMO really mean for me though? In thinking about how to continue to reinvent myself for the best, I actually think that acronym should be labeled Fear Of My Own. Missing out, never saying no, or simply trying to ensure that everyone around me has a great time is actually limiting my ability to find the highest levels of success in many endeavors in life. I think a better representation of FOMO for me might be: Fear of My Own Failure. Fear of My Own Success. Fear of My Own Belonging. Fear of My Own Responsibility. Fear of My Own Faults. Fear of My Own Crazy. Fear of My Own Curiosity. Fear of My Own Calling. Fear of My Own Story. Fear of My Own Legacy. Fear is often seen in a bad light. I think that introspective investigation into our needs, our wants, our hopes, and our desires can drive us to find the best us we can be. Strong leaders learn about, invest in changing, and ultimately overcome their fears. What are your fears? How will you use them to better your life and find more success? I challenge each of us to use the FOMO in each of us to deliver the best US possible!! |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.