What is going on in our political leadership landscape?? I am not so naive to realize that politicians lie, cheat, and manipulate. It is part of their business. What I feel I am witnessing, are selfish individuals seeking power while losing the opportunity to lead. I believe it is based on their inability to see, create, and use more than the primary colors. Quick primary school review. To see color you need light. When light shines on an object, it either reflects or absorbs. We see the light reflected. We can see color between the wavelengths of Red and Violet. I learned them as ROYGBV: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Violet. Some of you might have learned the colors of the rainbow. Crayola added Brown and Black to the first box of crayons in 1903 to give us the colors you see below: (thanks to Crayola for these graphics as well). The current American candidate pool seems to think these are ALL the colors there are in the world. Some only talk about RED while others live on the other side of the spectrum and only talk about VIOLET. They can't even compromise WITHIN the spectrum to try and use GREEN or YELLOW. Their canvases are so boring, so simple, and so hyper focused on their own agenda. They have blinders on, limiting them to see the unbelievable and beautiful opportunity of blending, shading, and collaboration. That behavior limits the ability to see POSSIBILITY and to VALUE OPINION. That behavior builds an ineffective unwillingness to collaborate, compromise, and contribute to a conversation. I REFUSE to call that behavior leadership. Let's take a look at what leaders can achieve when they begin investing in blending, mixing, collaborating and dreaming. ![]() These are all GREEN, each one still part of the family, but having its own identity, its own purpose, its own definition. GREEN needed the other colors to help make the beauty in each. We need each other to make beauty and create new. ![]() Here are what you can begin to create with RED. The change in hue allows for depth, warmth, and weight. Imagine a sunset or sunrise without these colors. Without the collaboration of others, we never are able to get to the deeper meaning and understanding of what RED really has to offer. We need each other to get deeper into the meaning. ![]() Even black has shades and combinations that produce so many options for success. Gray, to me, is the epitome of the fusion between all colors and the absence of color. Lying in the center of all and none, produces a place to grow from and to start the canvas and build upon. We need each other to find the middle and understand if we have all light or all dark, we actually have nothing. ![]() Finally, the mosaic here depicts an excerpt of the unbelievable amount of combinations that we all can have....if we are willing. The TRUE beauty is we can never actually make a matrix of ALL of the possibilities. There are colors out there WAITING to be mixed and blended with different colors so that a NEW color is able to be added to the palette of leadership. Leaders blinded by a light of fear, of timidity, of bias, of anger, of resentment, of revenge, of hate, of ego, and by a light of limited hope do not allow themselves to see the possibility of the future. I want leaders who value ALL colors, can see the possibilities, and understand that their color CAN'T always be the focus of every painting. We need to continue to demand a leader for our local, state, and national leadership positions who will take the blinders off, bring strength through selfless leadership, and be willing to mix the colors to create a better country and world. If we don't, we will all live in a limited, mediocre version of what we could experience. Let us all apply what artists have been sharing with us forever, and realize there are so many leadership colors to use to move toward success! |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.