We often TALK about what we can DO instead of DOING what we TALK about. Talk is one sided. Talk is only valuable to the person speaking. Talk is cheap. ANYONE can talk about doing something. Some take THE TALK and move to THE WALK and are given great credit for their action. This is a fundamental flaw when leading people. "Walking the walk" isn't enough in leadership. We have to move from EXCHANGE into ENGAGE.
It's easy to walk your own walk, and lead no one in the process. EXCHANGING is the opportunity to talk AND listen, ensuring that all voices are heard, and all ideas are welcomed and considered. EXCHANGE isn't always pretty....and that IS OK when trying to find the BEST SOLUTION and SUCCESS!! ENGAGING is the act of putting ideas into action WITH someone you lead. The EXCHANGE you have with someone can only be put to it's best use if that someone, is ready to be involved in the action you have prepared. Putting your own TALK into WALK is simply self valuing the confirmation bias you listened to in your own head. Turning EXCHANGE into ENGAGE is ensuring that all opinions are heard, all options are discussed, and action is taken TOGETHER. True leadership is gained when this formula is put into action. I hope you will EXCHANGE to ENGAGE!! FIRE!! What are you running to get?? Water? Baking Soda? FIRE?!?!?! Do we really believe in the EXTREME leadership we are currently emulating EVERYWHERE??? As you are posting, reposting, and taking sides, have you asked yourself when in life has EXTREME really worked? When has extreme scenarios made anything of value look good? Too much food: Obesity. Too little food: Starvation. Too much money: Greed. Too little money: Destitute. Too much water: Flood. Too little water: Drought. Too much work: Exhaustion. Too little work: Purposeless. Too much revolution: War Too little revolution: Tyranny A fire by itself is not a problem. A fire burns OUT OF CONTROL when it is FUELED by other elements: Wood. Paper. Oxygen. Wind. Fuel. Gasoline. So my question to you is....what are you fighting your fire with? Do you have the RIGHT elements to control the fire you see before you, or are you throwing anything you can find at it in hopes of putting it out? Do you have TOO MUCH HURT, ANGER, DISBELIEF, PASSION, RAGE, ANXIETY? Are you living on one end of the EXTREMES and struggling to FIND THE RIGHT TOOLS? We have to fight the fire in front of us....not fighting at all would be TOO LITTLE FIGHT. I realize many people see a LARGE FOREST FIRE, and may BELIEVE that it is time to get the flame thrower out. Do YOU AND I REALLY fight fire with fire?? NO!!!! We try and NEUTRALIZE the fire before it gets out of control. I BELIEVE we aren't there yet. I BELIEVE we are all STRONGER, BETTER, and RICHER IN SPIRIT to take a moment to get the RIGHT TOOLS for the fire in front of us. If you are a FIREFIGHTER, and know how to FIGHT FIRE with FIRE.... I will TRUST YOU...even if I disagree. I haven't been trained, so I will continue to use the tools I know, combat the fuel the best I can, and work tirelessly to ensure the PEOPLE who could be burned by the fire are protected. I don't want to see ANYONE burned by the fire...do you?
Love is present when respect is deep. Hate is present when hurt is deep.
We have a choice. We can see what we WANT to see or what we NEED to see?? How will I find a way to speak AND listen? How will I teach my children there is hope in every dark corner, so that they will find strength to dream when they are filled with hurt? WE MUST respect the other, begin the healing necessary, and bring the people of this world together to find the best in each other. The sun comes up again tomorrow. It starts with me. It starts with you. What will YOU choose to see?? |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.