![]() In a response to my REAL FOMO post recently, I am following up after some great conversation with some of you who shared your own FOMO experiences with me. I wanted to highlight some more thoughts around this idea focusing on The Good, The Questions, and The Failure. Fear of Missing Out has brought me much GOOD. My GOOD FOMO includes... 1. I have more people in my life. 2. I have more joy in my life. 3. I have more... FOMO has allowed me to see, meet, experience and learn about people and things I never would have. I can't imagine my life without the friends I have made, the experiences I have had, and the joys that I carry. I actually believe that any success in my life is connected and attributed to my FOMO. It defines me. It drives me. The outrageous extrovert that lives inside of me needs the FOMO so that I can be surrounded by people, by things, and by experiences. The FEAR has driven me...driven me to keep searching for ways to collaborate, to engage, and to be surrounded by people and their stories. It demands me to try it and do it all, so I don't miss it... So if I have so much more, why does the FOMO bring QUESTIONS and FAILURE?? ![]() Fear of Missing Out brings me to QUESTION much. My FOMO QUESTIONS are: 1. Will I find joyful satisfaction in my success? 2. Will I find a place and people to belong? 3. Can I keep searching and be good enough to be successful? The experiences we have gained through FOMO also begins to allow us to see and find different spaces. The more we know...the more we don't know...the more we question. If we try something new, will it be easier? Will it be better? What will people think of us if we do....or if we don't? Is this where we are supposed to be now? Are we being called in a different direction? The questions that fill our minds, and often times consume us, can come from those new experiences, people, and adventures that FOMO took us to. We have to be centered so the questions are good ones, ones that help..not hurt, and ones that move us forward, and not get us stuck. ![]() Fear of Missing Out has brought me to FAILURE as well. My FOMO FAILURES are: 1. My failure to expect the inhuman. 2. My failure to not listen. 3. My failure to miss today. Fear Of Missing Out causes me to look forward, seek the future, dream of tomorrow. It demands me to think I can do it all. I demands me to think I can do it all well. I add one more thing, and one more thing, until I am up to my ears in one more, and the next one takes me over the edge. LIke an addict though, I can't stop looking for opportunity, for the next thing, for the next opportunity, the next party. If my eyes are looking forward though, I miss out on what is in front of me. I stop listening. My vision is so farsighted, I ignore what is in front of me. I miss out on the beauty of RIGHT NOW. Often times it's people, and usually people you love...your family, your kids, your best friends, your business partners. You take for granted what is here...not because you don't care, but because you are more fearful of missing what is next. You can't finish things. You can't follow up and follow through. You struggle to value the important. If your FOMO takes over for too long, you end up losing...them and yourself. The cycle slowly squeezes your soul, so you don't realize it. When you do, you are deep in it, and digging out usually requires you to quit something, so you can gain back some logical perspective. You have to quit something to begin to ask QUESTIONS so you can get away from the FAILURES and back to the GOOD!! All of these parts of FOMO exist in real time...together. We have to be aware and careful of how we let it all effect our success, or our lack thereof. The good thing is, we can control and benefit from it, when we can be aware of the whole picture, take a proactive approach to balancing, and working toward allowing our FOMO to share the best part of us! |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.