HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!! We will celebrate lots of different LOVES this weekend, in many different ways (I just cut out 42 paper hearts for my daughter's class...true love) so I thought we could LOVE Leadership too!!! So how do we L.O.V.E in Leadership?
LET OTHERS. Immature and ineffective leadership does not LET OTHERS do much of anything. Control, fear, and lack of an ability to share, all contribute to the micro manager, the non listener, and the party of one leadership style, that works in the short term, but over time will lose confidence, lose respect, and lose loyalty of those who work and follow. We MUST LET OTHERS breathe, speak, listen, critique, share, play, run, work, make mistakes, and most importantly LEAD!! Any organization creating a barrier for the young, the forgotten, the new, or the different will eventually find themselves at a crossroads of ineffective leadership. Value Empathy. We are HUMAN.....which means we make mistakes, we have bad days, we hurt ourselves and others, and we might even struggle in the workplace at times. We must take the opportunity to Value Empathy. The leader who ONLY puts value on the PRODUCT will never see the value of the PEOPLE who work tirelessly in front of them. The bottom line is only strong if it can support the people who stand on it. The product is still imagined, and engineered by a human who does need our care. The leaders who have the capability to listen, forgive, and give strength back to the people around them, will find they will do ANYTHING for them!! So remember to L.O.V.E Leadership this Valentine's (and every) Day! We should probably put it all together and Let Others Value Empathy sometimes too...because leaders are human, and WE will need someone to be there for us someday very soon!! |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.