I don't know about you, but I am sad. I am not sure how much more I can handle when it comes to how extremism is tearing my world, our world, our children's world apart. The fear, hate, disgust, and anger seem to be prevalent on tongues. The removal of relationships and the judgement of friends and family seem to preoccupy minds. The space for love, understanding, and forgiveness is absent in our hearts.
I appreciate passion. Passion is needed, desired, and is what drives us to do in the world. Those who know me, know it is the one thing that I was made with that I know I can bring to the table and have been placed on this Earth to share. We are misusing it. We have the choice to use passion in anyway we want. The times I have let the fear and anger consume me, my passion is ugly, hurtful, and I have lost because of it. It seemed important and necessary at the time, but in hindsight, I lost something I cannot get back. The times when I have chosen loving and joyful passion are the times I planted a seed that continues to bear fruit. Hurt People...Hurt People. I know you are hurting. I know you are disgusted. I know you are fed up and want it to stop. I also know you have to share your voice and not sit silent. I too am hurt, disgusted, and fed up. I too have to make sure I do not sit silent, but LOVE HAS TO PREVAIL. We must share LOVE with our sisters and brothers whom we agree with, and our sisters and brothers whom we DON'T agree with. If you and I choose fear and hate, we are no better than those we struggle with. Fear and hate make our mirror image some distorted sense of self that ACTUALLY looks exactly like the thing we are fed up with, just in different clothes with different colors. If we look hard enough in that mirror, I KNOW you can see it...we are UGLY. We are just as UGLY as anything we are standing against. We have made what we believe in...UGLY. I care about YOU. I want nothing more in life than for you to stop hurting. I want to be your friend, value your thoughts, your ideas, and your hopes and dreams for this generation and the generations to come. I want to give you love so that you can start erasing the fear and anger and hurt. I NEED you to give me love, so I can start to erase the fear and anger and hurt. We MUST share our passions with each other, but we MUST start doing it through the lens of LOVE instead of through FEAR and HATE. Please. It is our choice. Look in the mirror and make sure the passion you ooze is one that can plant seeds to bear fruit for the future! |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.