Do you ever daydream? Do you think of ideas that stream like consciousness through your mind, some of them full of purpose and others full of shit? I think we all do.
I have one that won't go away. This one has been in and out of my mind for years, maybe decades, sometimes occupying valuable space in my mind which removes me from reality, and other times simply buzzing in my ear like a pesky fly that I just can't shoo fast enough. Regardless of its intent, it continues to be present, gnawing at my mind and filling it with questions and dreams. Some dreams and ideas are healthy while others are damaging. Some dreams are colorful while some are dark and black. This dream is different. It is neither of these extremes. It simply continues to live and thrive daily poking and prodding me to be something more than I am, be someone different then I am, and be something meaningful to someone. This dream is confused. It doesn't boast a statement or a clear picture or emotion This dream, the one that constantly prods at my meaning, my core, and my being, keeps asking me these questions, over and over, in different ways, in different voices, and at different moments in my life: Why are you here? What will your legacy be? What will you be remembered for? While working to accomplish many things in my first 39 years, finding success in some, while searching for more success in others, the thought of why God placed me on this Earth continually consumes my thoughts when the time is quiet and I am able to dream. I can't push them away any longer. I can't just listen. I recently have been compelled to act and find out where that small still voice is taking me. This blog is the first step to beginning to share my passion for people, for change, for leadership, for process, for improvisation, for education, for motivation, and for cultivation. The more I work, the more I learn and observe, and the more I have to say, share and teach. It will either work or it won't, but at least I will have tried. So let's begin. One foot, in front of the other, to see where this dream takes us. |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.