The ocean is truly remarkable. Every time I am afforded the opportunity to spend time with it, I have and will always be amazed by the vast power, beauty, and diversity. This particular morning, as I stood on the early sunrise beach, I thought about the calm and balanced consistency that the ocean provided.
I listened to the consistent cadence of the water as it touched the shoreline in rhythm. The calm consistency passed on to me and I found myself in connection as my breath settled to match. I wondered and thought about the ecosystem of marine life abundant and active below the surface, yet the surface shared with me was a sea of glass, only interrupted by a small fish jump but never deterred or pushed away from the calm and consistent beauty. I reminisced about the previous day and how the ocean provided a different emotion. The strength and power it shared, and the energy was more vigorous, sharing with me a different side to it's vast array of abilities. I thought about how my leadership needs to be more like this ocean. I want to be able to return the the calm consistent leader each morning. Regardless of what is happening within me, I need to return to this focused and balanced state. I need to breathe. I need to find cadence, control, and consistency. Someone needs to breathe with me, to sit with me, to feel that calm focused start to the day, so we might journey together on an adventure to build something. What if we could return each morning to prepare ourselves for the day....I wonder what we could accomplish and share with the world? |
Thanks for stopping by. These are musings on how I see leadership in the world and how I continue to try and grow through my lens.